Receiving Jesus Christ Is A Really Big Deal!!!
Here at Family and Faith Apparel we take ‘spreading the Gospel one tee at a time’ very seriously!
The bottom line is this- It doesn’t matter how good you think you are, or how many ‘good works you’ve done-the only way to the Father and the only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the truth, the life, and the ONLY way (John 14:6). And it doesn’t matter how bad you’ve messed up, or how many times you’ve failed or fallen-Jesus loves you and He desires nothing more than to have a genuine relationship with you! He knows your past, but He also knows your future and He loves you with an everlasting love. We are all sinners in need of a Savior- we’ve all fallen short and not one of us is perfect- but I know a guy who is-JESUS! Jesus sacrificed it all in order to save you long before you ever knew Him-He literally loves you that much!
If you’re ready to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior over your life, but don’t know where to start- let us help you! Read this prayer out loud, in faith, and believing every word (Romans 10:9):
Jesus, I don’t want to waste another second doing life on my own without you. I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of a Savior and that you paid the ultimate sacrifice by giving Your life for me on the cross. I believe that you are the Son of God, that You died and rose again that I may be forgiven, set free, and given the opportunity to live eternally with You in Heaven. Please forgive me for all of my sins, I repent and surrender my life to You, turning away from my old ways-thank You for a new beginning in You. I Invite you to come into my heart and be Lord and Savior over my life. I desire to live for You and follow You in Jesus name, Amen.
Listen, if you prayed this prayer and received Jesus into your heart, we want to know about it! Please shoot us a message WhatsApp at +256 709 019 259